Monday, May 9, 2011

Outsourcing: Is It Worth The Money?

Every freelancer has heard that word, "Outsourcing", but is it really worth the loss of money? 

Many Full-Time Freelancers have probably heard or taken part in outsourcing, but is it really worth losing extra money over? Personally I would have to say no it is not, especially in this economy. Every dollar counts. Choosing to outsource to another freelancer means that you will be losing valuable money that you may really need in the future. If you are doing a project for lets say $50 and outsource it to another person for about $20 , then thats $20 that you do not have now. Instead of taking the time out of your day and putting that extra amount of hard work in you choose to find someone else to. This is the mentality of a lot of freelancers today and it is affecting our art. 

There is a large amount of work that goes into freelance writing in general. For someone to tell one of their personal clients that they promise exceptional work, then do not do the work themselves, makes them a lier. A freelancer is their business, and by giving the work to someone else is like going to Wal-Mart but they have products from Target. It is just not the same. Clients research and review articles that were written by a specific freelancer that they are willing to hire. By that freelancer to turn around and sell the article to someone  else for a cheaper price is not a good sign of trust for your client. Trust me most the time the client will know when the article has been outsourced because the quality is usually dismal. 

A lot of freelancers look to outsource to save time and money so they search for a freelancer from a third-world country. This will usually in return give the freelancer whom outsourced, an article that is written poorly and not well researched. With a poor article being returned, this puts the freelancer in a bad position because now they have to edit and spell-check the entire document.

In the end outsourcing will most of the time lead to more work and money lost. This is never good for freelancers, especially because we are all about saving money for hard times (unfortunately). So my personal take on the whole outsourcing fiasco would be that I do not like it, and will never do it. What do you guys think? Is outsourcing valuable to a freelance business, or just another way to lose money?


  1. The idea of outsourcing an assignment has NEVER occurred to me. I've busted it year after year to earn gigs *I* could handle, so if the notion that I finally started getting them so fast I couldn't do what I expected, I'd turn off the hose before farming anything out. Use a 3rd world author? You fr***king KIDDING? If you've used an on-translator you KNOW they get it wrong, why go way wrong? Nope--write it myself is the only option!
    Glenn S.

  2. Thanks for the comment Glenn! I agree completely with your statement. I have worked so hard to get all of my clients so why would I want to let them down by giving them poor quality writing? I would never take an article from a client and go and sell it to someone else for a cheaper cost. Clients pay me for MY work not someone else's, therefore I do all of my own work and will never change that.
