
I have been a writer for as long as I can remember. When I was a child I would write little stories to keep myself entertained. Whenever I would have a English class I would actually enjoy receiving essays so that I could showcase my writing skills. Writing is not just a job for me but it is a passion of sharing knowledge with others and also gaining knowledge of my own. The power of the written word is amazing and I love to share my gift with everyone.

My abilities are endless when it comes to writing. I can do it all. I have written blog posts for many well known niche blogs no matter what the market is. I happen to be quite the whiz with words seeing as I have also written brochures and press releases for companies as well. No matter what I am writing about I am happy since it gives me the opportunity to learn as well as teach others. Being able to reach large amounts of people with my articles makes me happy to wake up and be a writer.

I try as hard as I can to make my clients 100% satisfied with my work. No matter what they ask of me or what task has to be accomplished, I always get it done on time (usually earlier) and with remarkable research. My favorite topics would have to be Technology, Relationships, Business, and Writing. Technology is one of my strong points since I graduated from a career institute for "Computer Network Management". I love finding out new technologies and gadgets since I am very technologically inclined. My love for relationships comes from always helping my friends and family in the past with all of their relationship problems. Learning and writing about business happens to be one of my favorites on account of me running my own freelance writing business. Last but not least writing about writing is amazing to me because I can teach others how to get their voice heard.

Promises are not enough, I like to actually show my clients how hard I work and the quality of my work is unmatched. If there is any other questions that you would like to ask of me I would love to answer!