Friday, May 13, 2011

Can Content Mills Actually Help Freelancers?

Content Mills have been a big part of Freelancers that are just starting out. But can they be helpful towards full-time Freelancers as well?

Textbroker, Bright Hub, Demand Media, these are just a few names of the Content Mills that Freelancers may have encountered along their journeys. Most Freelancers have used these websites to get their feet wet in the writing industry. But a question in every writers head is “are content mills worth the time?”. Well to answer that question, yes and no. For writers that are just starting out, this is the only way to make even a little bit of money in their first few months of work. When it comes to full-time writers, content mills are frowned upon and considered a waste of time.

Part-Time Freelancers

Part-Time Freelance writers usually have to depend on content mills for their first couple of months in the industry. Unfortunately this is the only way that a first timer can see any income. Personally when I first started out writing I relied on websites such as Textbroker and Bright Hub. I do see some benefits of using these websites though. Building a portfolio is one of the best ways to be recognized by personal clients that a writer may be sending a resume to. If a writer sends a resume and cover letter that consists of absolutely no writing samples, then odds are they will not be hired.

Full-Time Freelancers

Why do full-time Freelancers think that these websites are a waste of time? Well generally it is because of the fact that it is a very minimal amount of money for the time that is required to complete an article. Full-timers are looking for a more sustainable income that only is found by acquiring private clients, and big time writing gigs. A content mill consists of articles that are available to write but may be in topics that do not interest the writer at all. Why would anyone want to waste their time writing about something they do not care about for prices that range from $3-15?

For full-time Freelancers there can also be a benefit to using content mills. Surprising, I know. Freelance writers that have established themselves in the industry are use to getting large amounts of money per written piece. There are times though that even the best writer has some downtime with their work, such as not receiving projects, or they just need a little extra cash on the side. This is where content mills come into play. A full-timer can visit these sites and write a few articles in a very short period of time. Sure the prices are not comparable to what they are receiving, but hey its money. An established writer has better writing abilities, as well as experience, so it would take them no time at all to finish some of these articles.

Final Verdict

In the end money is money, so why not place your eggs in different baskets and receive money from every source available. If you are starting out, then yes you should use these websites to build up a portfolio and get your feet wet to see if you enjoy writing as much as you thought. For full-time writers this can be a hassle and a waste of time and money, but can also be a great asset to any business. Give it a shot, if you don’t like it then at least you learned by yourself.

Do you guys feel that content mills are a waste of time, or just another way to bring in some extra money? 


  1. Nice to see someone speak out for these sites. Personally, I wouldn't mind the low pay if all the articles weren't quite so dull (at least for the couple that I've signed up to). Are there any with more lively subject matters...?

  2. Well there are going to be many more lively subject matters as I update my blog. I am soon moving over to Wordpress then I will be updating at least once a day with new stories. I am glad that you found this article entertaining :).
